Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Waiting Game: LAX pre-departure thoughts

NOTE: Ignore the time stamp of this blog, as I'm actually posting this from Spain. I didn't have internet access until now. The date/time below reflects the actual time I was writing the post.

16 January 2010
6:22 AM

I'm currently writing this post from a word document, as LAX apparently doesn't offer a free wireless internet service. I have about an hour to kill before my flight boards, but I feel that if I stop doing something I will fall asleep. This is probably the longest I have stayed awake. As predicted, I waited until the last minute before running around my house, scrounging through unpacked boxes and trying to get everything organized. I didn't really begin packing until 9 PM (although I wasn't wholly unproductive. I ran a few last-minute errands and washed the remainder of my dirty laundry). I finished packing at around 2 in the morning, at which point I only had time to take a quick shower and down a cup of coffee. I said goodbye to my dad, my sister, my kitty cats and my stinky dog. My mom and Jason (el novio—e.g. The boyfriend) drove me to the airport. Surprisingly, despite my lack of sleep I managed to stay awake during the entire car ride. Traffic was practically non-existent—a rarity in Los Angeles.

Then we arrived at the airport. With my fancy new suitcase, an overstuffed backpack, and a cross-body purse I fumbled my way to the check-in counter. I'm thankful that I had people with me to hold my items. Things won't be so fun once I arrive in Madrid. Eep. Anyway, the check-in line was deceptively short but--

--Hey, apparently my flight has been downsized and United Airlines is asking people to give up their seat. No, thank you. I guess my hopes for an empty flight have been dashed to pieces. Ah well--

I digress. The line was deceptively short, but moved at a snail's pace. I was sure that my 29” behemoth of a suitcase would exceed the 50lb wait limit. However, it weighed in at 50.0lbs. At the check-in counter I held up my fists in victory and proclaimed myself the packing guru. Sleep deprivation can do strange things to a person. So I said my last good-byes, breezed through security, and grabbed some breakfast.

Now here I am. I'm on the first leg of a three-and-a-half month journey to a foreign country. Yet the reality of it all hasn't sunk in. That seems to be a common theme in this blog. Chelsea writes about the exciting things happening around this trip, and then recollects on her numbness to it all. I suppose numbness isn't the correct word. I certainly feel a looming anxiety. Here in my padded chair, without exerting myself, I can feel my heart pounding. Oh dear. I think waiting is the worst part of traveling. I wait to board the plane, at which point I sit on the flight and wait to depart the plane. I can never seem to enjoy my present circumstances. Oh well. I think the sleep deprivation is causing me to ramble.

Oh, hey! I can see sunlight. This marks the first time I stayed up through the entire night. Yay?

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