Friday, January 14, 2011

Countdown: The To-Do List

I have less than two days until I leave for Spain. This week, I made a to-do list to organize my activities. Today, I checked off most of those items. Tomorrow, I plan to finish up the last-minute items. I still need to pack. The anxiety is starting to sink in. Although I've been planning this trip since April, I honestly didn't think that I would be able to spend a semester in Spain. Despite the seemingly-endless series of preparations and a shrinking departure date, I'm still skeptical. I don't mean to imply that I'm not excited. On the contrary, I have been wanting to travel to Europe since high school. However, I have to tendency to become anxious before I engage in something completely unfamiliar.

The to-do list is dwindling down to a few straggling items. One more day to finish everything. Here we go.

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