Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spain: Los primeros dias

I split todays posts into two parts because I didn't want to bore people with a wall of text.

  • I'm still trying to get into the habit of blog-writing. First, there is the action of setting aside the time to sit down and write. Second, I have to focus my thoughts. Thus far, this blog has been a place to recount my daily activities. However, I also want to expand my writing to include cross-cultural analyses, or just random things that I personally find intriguing. Currently, I spend my time recounting a list of things I've done, leaving no time for    more in-depth thought, which I think separates a travel blog from an online diary (if that makes sense). 

So here's a short-but-sweet list of what I've done in these last few days

Monday 17 January

  • Met people in my program
  • Ate a bocadillo de tortilla de patatas (sandwich with a Spanish egg and potato omelette) at a restaurant called Nebraska.
    • My limited experience with Spanish food has shown me that a tortilla espanola is the best way to introduce oneself to Spanish food. It's mild, eggy, and a pretty safe choice. As an egg-lover, I really enjoyed it.
  • Walked around el barrio de Sol (near the hotel) with some people from my program who had already had the chance to familiarize themselves with the neighborhood
    • This city will really test my almost non-existent sense of direction. There are so many twisty roads and small alleyways. 
    • Went to la Plaza del Sol (I think?)
    • Went to la Plaza Mayor
      • Although both places are major tourist destinations, they are really empty at night. It's kind of neat to feel that, in that moment, you are sharing a beautiful and famous landmark with only a few people.
    • In the streets, even on Monday, there are tons of seemingly friendly people who are handing out fliers that advertise free shots/free cerveza/etc. It's a form of advertisement, of course. Still, it's not something that I've seen in the states.
  • Went to a tapas bar. I was too full to eat, but we all split a sangria. Sangria is delicious. It's like wine for non-wine drinkers
Tuesday, 18 January

  • Met our host families
    • I live with a senora named Angeles in "old Madrid", near el Palacio Real. I'm also right down the street from many shops and a metro/train station. She showed me how to navigate the metro and trains, which should be helpful for tomorrow
    • I will also meet her daughter in February, when she returns from Germany
  • I bought a small prepaid phone from a store down the street. 
  • Other than that, I didn't do much. I felt nauseated and I had lost my appetite, so I stayed inside and rested.
Tomorrow (or technically today, since it is now past midnight): I go to Getafe to take a tour of the school!

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